Sunday, August 27, 2006


- HD info(vendor, RPM, capacity) :
iostat -E
- Display the number of used and free i-nodes :
df -F ufs -o i
- Printing disk geometry and partition info :
prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/
- Display processes with the highest CPU utilization :
ps -eo pid,pcpu,args | sort +1n
- Display processes with the highest memory usage :
ps -eo pid,vsz,args | sort +1n
- Checking whether it's running in 32-bit mode or 64-bit mode :
isainfo -v
- Verifying a route to a specified network :
route -n get xxx.yyy.zzz.0
- print the version of OBP :
prtconf -V ; /usr/platform/`uname -i`/sbin/prtdiag -v | grep OBP ; {2} ok .version
- system configuration :
sysdef ; /usr/platform/`uname -i`/sbin/prtdiag
- Display the device list (and drivers attached to devices) :
prtconf -D
- processor type, speed :
psrinfo -v
- patch applied on the system :
showrev -p
- exported file system on NFS server :
showmount -e NFS_SERVER
- display current run level :
who -r
- Find out a package which a file belongs to :
pkgchk -l -p /usr/lib/sendmail
- locate all files owned by a user:
find / -user UID
- locate and remove all files owned by the user:
find / -user UID -exec rm {} \;
- To find offending user files or any file with setuid permissions and display their full path names:
find / -perm -4000
- To find files with setgid permissions and display their full path names:
find / -perm -2000
- To find directories with sticky bit permissions and display their full path names:
find / -type d -perm -1000

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